Monday, August 18, 2008

A wonder woman

Over the past few weeks, I have been fortunate to get to know Dr. Manal Tahtamouni, the Director of the Institute for Family Health (IFH). Dr. Manal graduated from the University of Jordan-Amman, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, and is the mother of three young children. Four years ago, she had been preparing to open her own medical clinic when she learned about a position opening for the Director of IFH. She realized that such a role would allow her to address a much larger population with health services while still working part-time as a doctor. In leading IFH, Dr. Manal has spearheaded efforts to expand psychosocial counseling and created innovative programs which include music therapy for children. As the organization continues to grow, she deems the greatest challenges facing IFH are financially sustaining its unique programs and maintaining qualified staff. IFH's services require motivated professionals with specialized training which she deems not an easy combination to find. Often larger and more financially established international NGOs in Amman recruit her best staff by offering substantially larger salaries. IFH has trained and invested in staff that then get "hired away by other NGOs." In financial terms, she simply states: "We can't compete with them."

However, she leads a very dedicated team of 55 (not including 165+ volunteers on the Iraqi outreach program). Reflecting on the best parts of her job, Dr. Manal "sees the joy in the eyes and faces of beneficiaries. They smile about the services…children pushing their mothers to come here." She also shares stories of the teamwork of her staff and their shared belief in providing quality care.

When I asked whether she has plans to expand IFH's staff, Dr. Manal says there is enough staff but not enough space. Offices and counseling cubicles are at a premium given an ever-increasing clientele. Her dream is to expand the current areas of practice and in the future open another IFH branch in East Amman.


Khaled Allen said...

I volunteered at the IFH last summer with th daycare group. I am a friend of Mounzer Saraf, the head of the music therapy program at the IFH. I was wondering if you knew of any news reports of the specific activities being conducted at the IFH. I am writing my BA on the innovative treatment programs being utilized to help the Iraqi refugee youth community but can't find very much specific information on the IFH beyond their own website. Any help would be appreciated.


Unknown said...

hello everybody,
iam one of the staff that this article talked about, and i have acomment when i read it "an important comment" ,
yes IFH have agreat staff that works and works but........
noooo good salaries just working without any Encourage
pleaze dont believe every thing that you listen
try to listen from the staff the real persons that have alot to say
